The One & Only
The One & Only No matter how many tool companies try to make a vacuum, there is still only one Shop-Vac. We wrote the book on wet/dry pickup and we’ve been setting the standard ever since. So when it comes clean, don’t settle for anything less. View More
5 Steps to Pulling Wire Through Conduit with a Wet/Dry Vac
Sep 20, 2024 5 Steps to Pulling Wire Through Conduit with a Wet/Dry Vac

If you’re working a job with an existing conduit for electrical wires, speaker wires, or phone/internet cables, you know you have to get those wires through the channel. Unless the line is very short and perfectly straight, pushing it through can be tricky and frustrating. The situation may be even more difficult if you’re dealing with dry, bare wiring and a PVC conduit. Pulling is the only answer. But which method should you use to pull wires through that conduit?

Wet/Dry Vacs Make Kitchen Cleanups Quick & Easy
Sep 18, 2023 Wet/Dry Vacs Make Kitchen Cleanups Quick & Easy

Just what is that spill on your kitchen floor? Who knows? What we do know is that a wet/dry vacuum is perfect for handling just about any kitchen mess. Instead of going through an entire roll of paper towels or ruining your favorite dish linens, grab your Shop-Vac to get your kitchen back in order.

Spring Cleaning with Your Shop-Vac: Tips and Tricks
Sep 18, 2023 Spring Cleaning with Your Shop-Vac: Tips and Tricks

Warmer weather is here, and with it comes the yearly tradition of spring cleaning. As you get ready to tackle the dust, dirt, and debris that has accumulated around your home or workspace over the winter, your Shop-Vac is a valuable tool to have nearby. Let’s explore some tips and tricks for using your Shop-Vac wet/dry vac to refresh your space.